Optical inspection is an indispensable element in many fields of science and industry. Particularly in the electronics industry, due to the continuously decreasing size of components, precise control and inspection enabled by this technology is essential. Unfortunately, prolonged use of microscopes can lead to eye fatigue and other health issues..

Choosing the Right Microscope

The decision to choose the right microscope is crucial for various industry sectors, such as electronics, mechanical, energy, plastics, pharmaceuticals, and laboratories. Precision inspection devices such as digital microscopes, stereo microscopes, magnifiers, and inspection systems significantly impact product quality control, early defect detection, and savings related to warranty and quality. Collaborating with leading companies on the market, such as TAGARNO, guarantees access to the most modern inspection devices tailored to each industry.


Digital microscopes, due to their compact design and adjustable magnification, provide an excellent solution for many applications, both in the workplace and at home.

An important feature is the ability to connect to monitors or screens, allowing observation of details on a large screen instead of through eyepieces, which can counteract eye fatigue during prolonged use. Various software available for digital microscopes enables image and video capture, LED lighting control, adjustment of exposure levels, white balance, and color levels. It is also possible to perform various measurements, create levels, or overlays, significantly facilitating work.

When looking for a microscope that will work in everyday tasks, whether it is quality control in the industry or laboratory work, it is worth considering a few key aspects. Factors such as the range and adjustment of magnification, availability of accessories that facilitate work, user comfort thanks to a large working distance, and software support enabling image and video capture should be considered. Choosing a product offered by companies like TAGARNO ensures selecting high-quality devices widely recognized and used in the industry.

Proper Ergonomics of the Workplace

Adjusting the workplace to the individual needs of the user is crucial for work efficiency and comfort, as well as the health of employees. Ergonomics of the workstation, i.e., its design and organization to minimize the burden on the worker, is one of the fundamental factors affecting work efficiency and satisfaction.

For people working with digital microscopes, it is essential to place the monitor at the appropriate height – usually at eye level or slightly below. This position minimizes neck and back muscle tension and reduces eye fatigue for operators.


Highlighting the importance of ergonomics, attention should be paid to the distance from the monitor, which should be 50 to 70 cm to ensure comfortable focusing on the displayed image. It is also important to properly set the brightness and contrast of the monitor, which should be adjusted to the lighting level in the room. Applying these simple rules will help minimize eye fatigue, increase work comfort, and optimally utilize the potential of ergonomic industrial tables.

An ideal solution for various industrial sectors is offered by REECO ESD industrial antistatic tables – a Polish manufacturer of high-quality industrial furniture. Available in various configurations: Premium, Classic, Mobile, and anti-vibration, they allow the workstation to be adapted to the individual needs of the worker and the specifics of the production or repair process.

The ergonomics of REECO industrial tables result not only from their modular construction but also from considering aspects related to work safety and hygiene. These tables ensure not only work comfort but also the safety of the worker’s health and the manufactured materials, providing protection against electrostatic discharge, which is particularly dangerous in the electronics industry.

Good Lighting

Good lighting is essential for comfortable work with a microscope. Lighting that reflects off the microscope or monitor surface can cause unwanted glare, leading to eye fatigue. Optimal task lighting ensures excellent visibility, reliability, and work safety. REECO soldering lamps allow light intensity adjustment, offer the ability to set the arm freely, and feature low power consumption thanks to the use of LED diodes that do not cause eye fatigue.

REECO offers a wide range of ergonomically designed task lamps, both standing and hanging, which help minimize these problems. Each REECO task lamp is designed to provide excellent visibility of processed components, not strain the eyes, and give the workstation a modern character. Lighting for specially adapted REECO furniture, as well as for general workshop purposes, is available.

Regular Breaks

Ergonomic workstation setup, including a properly adjusted chair and desk that ensure proper body posture, can reduce muscle tension and decrease eye fatigue for operators. Taking regular breaks and changing positions during work with a microscope is crucial. Breaks allow the eyes to rest, and changing positions minimizes muscle and joint strain.

Operators should take short breaks every hour or two, during which they can focus their eyes on distant objects or perform simple eye relaxation exercises. Prolonged focus on close objects, such as the microscope image, can lead to dry eye syndrome and discomfort. Regular breaks help prevent this.

Eye Exercises

Like the rest of the body, eyes also benefit from regular exercises. Simple exercises, such as closing and opening the eyes, moving the gaze in different directions, or focusing on various distances, can help reduce eye muscle tension and fatigue.

Operators can also perform eye relaxation exercises, such as gently massaging the eye area with fingers, blinking, or rotating the eyes in different directions. These simple techniques can help reduce tension and eye fatigue. There are also special eye exercise sets that can be performed regularly, such as palming, which involves warming the hands and placing them over closed eyes. These exercises help relax the eyes and relieve fatigue.

Proper eye hydration

Prolonged focus on close objects, such as the microscope image, can lead to dry eye syndrome caused by reduced blinking. Regular eye hydration, e.g., using moisturizing drops, can help reduce discomfort and prevent eye dryness.

Operators should have access to appropriate eye moisturizers that can be used during work with the microscope. It is worth noting that some moisturizers are designed for use with computer monitors, which additionally helps protect the eyes from dryness. Maintaining proper body hydration is also important, as dehydration can affect eye health. Drinking an adequate amount of water throughout the day helps maintain body hydration, including the eyes.

Regular eye examinations

Regular eye examinations are crucial for maintaining eye health. Microscope operators should regularly visit an ophthalmologist to monitor their eye condition and correct any vision problems. If they notice that they need to strain their eyes more to see through the microscope, it may be a sign that they need vision correction.

An ophthalmologist can also suggest special glasses for working with a microscope that provides optimal visual conditions and reduce eye fatigue. Adjusting vision correction to the specifics of working with a microscope can contribute to greater comfort and better performance for operators. Signs and symptoms indicating vision problems should not be neglected. Early detection and treatment of such issues can prevent long-term negative effects on the eyes.

Healthy Lifestyle

Ultimately, a healthy lifestyle plays a key role in maintaining eye health. Regular physical exercise, a balanced diet rich in vitamins A, C, and E, and maintaining body hydration can contribute to better eye health.

Operators should avoid smoking, which can negatively impact eye health and lead to the development of various eye conditions. Smoking is a risk factor for many eye diseases, including cataracts and macular degeneration. Ensuring an adequate amount of sleep and rest is also important. Lack of sufficient sleep can lead to general body fatigue, which also negatively affects eye health.


In conclusion, eye fatigue during microscope work is a common problem, but there are many ways to avoid it. Choosing the right microscope for soldering, ergonomic workstation setup, breaks and eye exercises, proper lighting, and a healthy lifestyle—all of these can help reduce eye fatigue and ensure comfort during microscope work. It is important to remember that eye health is crucial, especially in microscopy, where precision and accuracy are key. Before purchasing a microscope, it is worth consulting with an experienced advisory partner and testing the device in action.

RENEX Group, one of the largest and most experienced companies in the electronics industry, offers advisory support for entrepreneurs interested in developing electronics production and service in Poland and Central and Eastern Europe. The devices from the RENEX offer can be tested in action on the production line at the Technology and Training Center. TAGARNO digital microscopes are also available for client testing. For more information, you can contact RENEX technical and commercial advisors at dth@renex.pl or visit the website www.renex.pl.