RENEX Group, one of the largest and longest-operating Polish companies providing the latest technologies in the production and service of electronics, has joined the “Noble Box” initiative, demonstrating its deep social commitment. As a company with a long history, RENEX continually strives to build strong and integrated communities, emphasizing the importance of supporting those in difficult life situations.

As an active member of the Family Business Initiative and FBN Poland, RENEX highlights its roots as a Family Business, further strengthening its involvement in social initiatives. This company, exemplifying business success and social responsibility, shows how crucial it is to balance business achievements with contributions to the common good.

This year, RENEX Group focused its efforts on supporting Ms. Dorota and her son Filip. The story of this family, struggling with significant challenges, caught the attention of the company’s employees. Ms. Dorota, a single mother raising a son who requires special care and treatments, has been dealing with daily hardships for years. Despite the adversities, both she and Filip maintain a positive outlook on life.

The commitment of RENEX Group’s employees resulted in raising the necessary funds to purchase a new, comfortable bed for Filip, warm clothing for the whole family, as well as supplies of food and cleaning products that will support them for many upcoming months. These actions reflect the deep understanding and empathy that the company promotes among its team.

Last year, RENEX also supported a family by providing not only essential items but also a soldering station for the father, who is passionate about electronics. This shows that assistance can also be tailored to the individual needs and dreams of the recipients.

RENEX, as one of the leaders in the technology industry, does not forget its roots and family values. The company actively participates in various social initiatives, creating a model of corporate social responsibility. Collaboration with the “Noble Box” is another example of how large enterprises can effectively contribute to improving the quality of life for those in need. “Noble Box,” which has been operating for over 20 years, enables help for thousands of families each year.

By joining this noble project, RENEX Group proves that commitment and cooperation can genuinely change the world for the better. The company also encourages other entities to actively participate in similar actions, emphasizing that every gesture of help has enormous significance.

Learn more about the “Noble Box” initiative at