RENEX Group, a renowned provider of solutions for the electronics industry, presents the refreshed version of its handbook “ESD Handbook – Protection Against Static Discharges in the Electronics Environment.”

RENEX Group, a renowned provider of solutions for the electronics industry, presents the refreshed version of its handbook “ESD Handbook – Protection Against Static Discharges in the Electronics Environment.”

The updated handbook successfully combines theoretical foundations with practical solutions, helping electronics industry professionals maintain a safe and efficient work environment. The handbook covers a range of topics, including an explanation of the concept of ESD, a discussion of the charge levels generated in typical situations, and the importance of properly applying materials to reduce the risk of static discharges. It also presents the symbols used in ESD protection, emphasizing the importance of proper personnel grounding.

The further part of the handbook focuses on practical aspects such as the equipment and configuration of the EPA (Electrostatic Protective Area), regular checks of the ESD protection system, continuous monitoring methods, testing the EPA, the use of ionizers, fieldwork, and EPA configuration. Through clearly described examples and recommendations, the handbook helps understand the importance of protection against static discharges and how to effectively minimize ESD risks in the workplace.

Additionally, individuals who download the handbook will find a discount code offering a 10% reduction on purchases from the RENEX Group’s online store,, providing extra incentive to deepen their knowledge of ESD safety and take advantage of RENEX’s offerings.

With free access for RENEX newsletter subscribers, industry experts gain valuable knowledge to help secure their work environment against dangerous static discharges, thereby increasing the efficiency and safety of their operations. We encourage subscribing to the RENEX newsletter to take advantage of this unique offer, expand knowledge on ESD safety in the electronics industry, and enjoy an attractive discount on products offered by RENEX Group.

 The ESD Handbook and all previous guides for electronics professionals can be found at