Following recent reports of excellent foreign sales of REECO clothing, RENEX Group, brand’s manufacturer, reported an equally high increase in exports of the second range of REECO products – antistatic furniture. The company also informs about expanding their sales to new markets in Europe and Asia.
REECO is a Polish brand of antistatic furniture used, among others, in electronics production and repair areas and laboratories.
The initial 2020 sales figures of REECO antistatic furniture already show that for the brand manufacturer – RENEX Group – it was a year of very good results, maintaining a 50% increase in exports despite the global recession. The key factor was the increase in sales on the European markets – in particular in the UK, Czech Republic, the Balkans and Germany, as well as the expansion of distribution to Japan, Netherlands, Belgium, Ireland and Switzerland.
The excellent results of REECO furniture sales on foreign markets, especially taking into account the problems related to the economic and social crisis resulting from the spread of Covid-19, are the success of the employees and specialists from the RENEX team. In difficult times, they found new solutions and new markets – which not only mitigated the negative effects of the crisis, but led to significant brand development worldwide. – The owners of the RENEX Group – Ms. Marzena Szczotkowska-Topić and Mr. Predrag Topić – stressed.
Within the REECO brand, the RENEX Group produces three main product categories: antistatic furniture, antistatic clothing and ready-to-implement robots.
The REECO antistatic furniture line is a series of modular products developed for use in industrial production and repair of electronics. The furniture enables the creation of fully customized ergonomic workstations, and thanks to the materials and design used, it can be used in electromagnetic discharge protection zones.
The use of materials with antibacterial properties makes REECO furniture also suitable for use in laboratory, food and medical industries.