The RENEX Group, a leader in the Polish market, offers the widest range of products tailored to the needs of customers from various sectors. Guaranteeing high quality and competitive prices, the company targets both small enterprises and large corporations.

Tailored assortment

By offering the widest range of products in Poland, the RENEX Group demonstrates its ability to adapt to the needs of customers from various sectors. Its offer is directed at both small enterprises and large corporations, guaranteeing high quality and competitive prices.

The offered assortment includes, among others, production equipment, industrial furniture, industrial robots, antistatic and cleanroom clothing, and products related to ESD protection. Thanks to its extensive offer, RENEX enables customers to optimize production processes and achieve better results.

Shopping at your fingertips

The RENEX Group’s online store allows for quick and convenient shopping anywhere and anytime. The website features intuitive product categories and detailed descriptions and specifications for each item, including a wide selection of soldering stations, essential in many industrial sectors. All this makes the selection and purchase process simple, and customers can count on fast order fulfillment. 

The RENEX Group’s online store is also a place where attractive promotions and discounts can be found, making shopping at RENEX even more profitable. If needed, there is the possibility of contacting qualified Technical and Sales Advisors who will help choose the right products and solutions. 

Qualified advisors

RENEX offers the opportunity to consult with Technical and Sales Advisors who are available to customers and provide professional support in selecting the right products and solutions. Thanks to their many years of experience and extensive knowledge of the industry, advisors help customers achieve optimal results in terms of production, efficiency, and quality.

RENEX Technical and Sales Advisors provide support at every stage of cooperation – from identifying needs, through the purchasing process, to the servicing and maintenance of machines and devices. Working with them guarantees accurate purchasing decisions tailored to the individual needs of each customer.

Technology and Training Center and Demoroom

Caring for the needs of customers, RENEX provides a Technology and Training Center and a Demoroom where the functionality and quality of the offered products can be tested. It is an excellent place to test machines, devices, and tools before making a purchasing decision.

At the RENEX Technology and Training Center, training sessions are also organized, providing users with specialized knowledge regarding the operation and programming of industrial devices and robots. Additionally, training participants can gain valuable knowledge about ESD and EPA protection and other important aspects of working in the industry.


Specialist training

Aware of the growing demand for specialized knowledge and skills in the industrial sector, the RENEX Group offers a range of training sessions that provide participants with an in-depth understanding of the operation of industrial devices and robots, as well as advice on ESD protection.

The training sessions are conducted by experienced specialists who combine theory with practice during the classes, giving participants the opportunity to practically apply the acquired knowledge. This ensures that RENEX training participants can work effectively and safely with the products offered by the company.